our organization FR|EN

Presentation of Mobilisnoo

Mobilisnoo is a nonprofit organization founded in 2008 for LGBT* employees of the Orange Group, and their friends.

We believe that all employees should be treated equally, and we communicate our vision to all employees and contractors inside the company.
We are an activist organization that endeavours at educating people.

Mobilisnoo has 3 objectives:

personnage anonymeUndertake by your side

We fight against stereotypes and discriminations related to gender identity and sexual orientation. We support people who undergo LGBTphobias on their workplace by supporting them in the resolution of their situation.

We accompany the employees in route of transition to make of this change of the opportunities rather than obstacles. Thanks to our regular work with the various managements of Orange as well as our links were favored with LGBT nonprofit organizations, we allow these employees to give them the ways to make a success of this transition.

réseauLead the LGBT network within Orange

We participate in the establishment within the Group, a network of LGBT partners and collaborators to create their bridges and wealth.

We are in the 29 countries where the Group operates (France, Spain, Benelux, Poland, Romania, Cameroon, Egypt, Jordan …) and in the 220 territories where Orange Business Services operates.

sucreriesPromote exchanges and conviviality

We organize friendly opportunities and events between the members of the association and their friends. Our activities are diverse : cultural, sport, recreational and festive.

We are not affiliated to any political movement or any union.


*LGBT = Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans.